The implementation of the project ‘’Strengthening ICT Skills for Empowering Democracy’’ continues.

The implementation of the project ‘’Strengthening ICT Skills for Empowering Democracy’’ continues.

 The second part of the training was held on September 16-17 and was facilitated by Tamta Tchrikishvili (Researcher of e-governance, TSU). The main concern of this meeting was the achievements and challenges of e-governance in Georgia, the key characteristics of effective e-public services, citizen monitoring skills within E-democracy, etc.

The invited speaker, Silvia Lips (Tal Tech), shared the Estonian experience regarding digital democracy peculiarities, citizen engagement, and access to electronic services. Training participants could get as theoretical information as experience in practice how these tools work in Georgian reality.

The project is implemented within the framework of the Eastern European Network for Citizenship Education (EENCE) Civic Education Ideas Competition and is funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb)