Another workshop was held within the framework of the project ‘’Civic Engagement School 2021’’ on civic activism topic

Another workshop was held within the framework of the project ‘’Civic Engagement School 2021’’ on the topic: civic society in action: Gudiashvili square protest movement’’. A member of the same movement and a civil activist Nano Zazanashvili was invited to the meeting.

Nano Zazanashvili reviewed the recent history of Georgia, the political-economic context, and the factors that led to the formation of a movement to save Gudiasvili square. The guest talked about the goals, activities, and successful outcomes of the movement.

The meeting was conducted in an active question-and-answer mode. Students were especially interested in the historical-economic context in which the protests movement was formed and developed. İt was also interesting for the students to discuss the factors that contributed to the success of this protest movement.

‘’Civic Engagement School 2021’’ is implemented with the financial support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung South Caucasus Regional Office.