Working group meeting on new manual of civic education course was held

On September 8-9, working group meeting on the new manual of civic education course was held in Batumi. The meeting was attended by authors, editor, IFES representatives and the members of CELA, who will use a new manual on approbation during the current term.

The content and structure of the manual was discussed in details during the meeting. A lot of new opinions was expressed and remarks were made. The manual should be maximally absorbing for students of all stages and all fields of studies. That’s the main aim of CELA.

The participants also discussed the general concept of the teacher's manual, which will enable lecturers to make the course more diverse with additional information, role games and variety of  interesting activities.

The meeting was held with the support of USAID in the framework of the project Strengthening Electoral Processes (SEP), implemented by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES).